Wednesday, June 24, 2009


It happened a few days ago, but I haven't had time to write about it here, and even now I only have a few minutes.

One night, when it was almost time to pack in, Kate hit level 80 after a fairly long session questing in the area around K3 (I was in Zul'Drak, doing quest after quest there). I was just about 20,000 points behind - just one quest would be enough to tip it over.

The first thing we did next day was the Dalaran cooking and fishing dailies. The cooking quest got me around 16,000 XP; the fishing quest was the one that tipped it over, so I hit level 80 while standing next to the Dalaran fishing trainer.

We immediately went back to Ironforge for training. Since then, for the last few days, we've been pushing to make as much money as possible. We both want epic flying mounts and it's going to cost us 5000+ gold; at the moment we both have something over 4000. I've been mining saronite and (when I can find it) titanium all around the Sholazar Basin; the saronite's been going for auction and the titanium is making titansteel bars - I can only make one every twenty hours but they sell for around 70 gold each. So far I've built up a stack of six and I'm not planning on selling them off until I have a full twenty, which should be worth something over 1,300 gold and will give me enough to be able to get that epic flyer and have some cash left over.

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