Sunday, January 25, 2009

Quitting: Day Eight

Cigarettes Today: 0

Basically the same situation as yesterday; no stress but I have to guard against boredom, because that gets me thinking about a smoke.

Yesterday I watched The Matrix and about half of The Matrix Reloaded on my portable DVD player; today I watched the second half and then completed the trilogy by watching The Matrix Revolutions. That kept the boredom at bay but right now it's not quite 3pm and Kate has Miss Potter on TV - a good film but it's been on about a dozen times in the last couple of weeks; I could probably quote Ewan McGregor's lines from memory.

So the plan is, first, to run up to WalMart to pick up some milk, eggs and a few other things including some silicon-based sealant; second, to use said sealant to fix Kate's little table fountain in the living room; third, pick out another movie to stay occupied - I'm thinking about the X-Men films, but we'll see.



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