Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Questing and Skills

Back to Redridge

The Alther's Mill quest allowed Kate to get her character's lockpicking skill up over 90, so we're about ready to go back to the tower in Westfall. I really want her to get that poison skill as soon as possible even though it could be tough - we're both level 21 now, but we'll be up against higher-level enemies and possibly more of them than we can handle if they come at us together (we try to take these kinds of guys on one at a time, but that's not always possible). It's Kate's Rogue-only quest, so it'll be her call as to whether or not we hold off until level 22.

We've relocated back to Lakeshire, because it turns out we're far from finished there - the level 26-28 mobs we saw in Duskwood should have been a clue that we're not ready for that area yet. We explored a good part of the area north-east of Lakeshire and out toward the eastern end of Redridge, and found that the bad guys are tougher than we expected at level 22-23. I think we need to stay there for a while longer and clean up as many of the quests as we can before moving on.

One thing I noticed about the quest list is that different quests show up in different colours, but it wasn't until yesterday that I found out the significance; the colour indicates how difficult a quest is relative to your current level, which explains why I've seen the colours change as we gain experience. Yellow quests are about matched to your level. Green quests are easy, and one source suggests completing those before levelling because otherwise they'll change to Grey, meaning that they're so easy you won't gain any XP. Since we have one quest outstanding in Westfall, and it's green, we really need to do that one very soon.

At the other end of the scale are the Red quests, which according to one source means they're basically suicide missions. The two boss fights I mentioned in an earlier post are still showing up red, so now that I know what that means I have no intention of even making the attempt just yet. We even have one red quest that means a trip by sea to the Stonetalon Mountains in Kalimdor - I guess the game throws the occasional long-term quest at you. I suspect that one's going to be on the list for quite a while.

As for Bellygrub, we didn't get around to the planned pig-whacking yet, but that's definitely coming soon; that quest is Orange, meaning that it's a tough proposition but not impossible. Two level-21 characters should be able to take on a level-24 porker, right? Well, we'll see...


On the weapons front, I now have the ability to use daggers and swords, and I do a little more damage with a dagger than I did with the two-handed staff I was using. Since the dagger is one-handed I'm hoping I can use a shield - I need the extra armour. I want to get a sword, but buying all the skill training the other day left me a bit short so it'll be a little while before I can gather enough cash.

Kate bought a better sword and because she's able to dual-wield she has another blade in her off-hand. Since she got that setup she's been slicing up murlocs and boars left and right - I'm guessing she's doing about twice the damage she was before.

I'm better at fishing and cooking than I am at enchanting; that's pretty sad for a Mage. I've been making a point of fixing that by enchanting and re-enchanting the same items over and over, and I think I've got the skill level up to around 45. I'm hampered a little because each enchanting takes Strange Dust, and you can't just buy that stuff; to get it I have to disenchant 'green' items that I pick up from mobs, but first I have to decide whether those items are useful to me or Kate, and often they are. Even when I find something that I can disenchant (which destroys the item), I don't always get Strange Dust. As a result I can only build up the skill slowly. I really need to get it up to around 70 or so; that's going to take a while.

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