Friday, August 01, 2008

Some Very Dangerous Areas

Oh, no, not the Deadmines again

When I saw Duthorian Rall to close out the Paladin-only quest, he gave me another quest in the chain - to find Jorden Stilwell at the Gates of Ironforge and give him the news that Daphne was okay. I'd put that to one side as we were busy with other things, but I was able to spare a few minutes to fly out there and take care of this. That led to another quest - to pick up four items. The quest text doesn't say where to find these items and I'd assumed they were in the area around Ironforge, but as part of the quest Stilwell gives you his notes. When I eventually got around to reading them it turned out that the items are all over the place. The first item on the list is a kind of wood, and it's found in the Deadmines, and it looks like it's in the lower levels where the goblins are. This could be rough.

Mine, mine, mine

Kate and I both needed to mine some more - Kate for the materials, me for the mining skill points; I need to get that up to 125 before I can go much further. The only thing at the moment that will add points is mining tin and silver, and smelting silver. Kate wanted iron, too. So after looking at the maps on WoWHead we figured that eastern Duskwood would probably be our best bet and we headed out there.

It was difficult, because all the best stuff such as the tin veins and iron deposits are in or very close to areas crawling with level 29 and 30 mobs (and in one case I saw, level 31) and in any case tends not to be where WoWHead says - I think other players mine the stuff out and it takes a long time to regenerate. We ended up spending more time fighting (and running back from the boneyard after getting wiped) than getting any actual mining done.

My mining skill is now 124 - just one point off my target. All I need is to find one more tin or silver vein, or pick up one or two more bits of silver ore somehow.

Eastern Ashenvale (the Death Zone)

Duskwood didn't seem to be getting us anywhere because of all the time wasted running and fighting, so we went back to Ashenvale to try to close out a couple more quests. Well, actually, I went out first and Kate followed. While I was there on my own I followed the east road out of Astranaar as far as I could - I was hoping to find Forest Song, where we have quests to complete.

I never made it that far. Not long after crossing a river bridge and passing the road to The Barrens, I noticed a camp just off the road that had 'level ??' bad guys. This should have been a clue that said "Entering the Death Zone". Just a little further along there's another camp, and this one's very close to the road - and has 'level ??' guards standing at the gate. One of them saw me. I hardly put a dent in his health bar before he left me looking like leftover pizza.

We may be able to get past these places with a little care; hopefully it'll be just a matter of keeping our distance. In any case, if we can get to Forest Song we won't have to come back on that road - there's a flightmaster there.

After joining up with Kate we cleared a bunch of Furbolgs from a camp nearer to Astranaar (another quest done) and also grabbed a Moonstone from an Oracle on the island in the middle of Fallen Sky Lake. With those done, we went back to Astranaar to close out those two quests then zipped back to the Exodar.

Charred Vale

Last stop was back out to Charred Vale in the Stonetalon Mountains to pick up where we left off with the Bloodfuries in the Charred Vale. We took care of our quota and managed to do a little mining (there are supposed to be Gold veins there, but we never saw any), and on top of all that got new levels - I'm now 27.

Finally, to the Exodar to take care of business - bank, auction house, training, repairs, etc. - and then we packed it in.

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