Monday, July 21, 2008

The Last Few Quests

The Vector Coil is located on a hill in the west of Bloodmyst; we found the Sun Gate on the flat ground below it to the south, and we were able to take care of two of the three quests on our lists in that area. The first involved taking out Sunhawk Pyromancers (or pyrocasters, or pyromaniacs - pyro-somethings, anyway) and Defenders. They were for the most part level 16 and 17 and not too much trouble.

While we were doing that a small, dark, indistinct thing skittered past me so fast it took a moment to identify it - it turned out to be my first look at a Void Critter, and we needed to whack twelve of these each for the second quest. They're only level 3 and a single hit will do the job, but the tricky part is that they appear from the Sun Gate in a crowd every few minutes and their movements are fast and erratic, so you have to be real quick to target them.

Still, it didn't take long to take care of them and that just left the third and hardest quest - to take down Sunhawk Agents and Saboteurs. As I think I mentioned before, these guys are level 19 elites and pretty tough. We both got wiped twice in the process of taking them all, but we got there in the end and returned to Blood Watch to close out two of the quests and take care of other business, then it was back to Vindicator's Rest to close out the third quest.

One of the quests (the one with the Sunhawk elites, I think) wasn't quite the end of a chain; we got another quest to destroy the Sun Gate. This is straightforward but a little fiddly because you have to open the four portal controllers near the Gate, and to do that you have to right-click at just the right moment. But we got the job done and that left us with no quests.

Well, almost. Kate has her Warrior-only quest, and we have one last quest that we just didn't sign up for yet that involves escorting a Demolitionist back to the Vector Coil and keeping him in one piece while he erases the thing from the skyline. Once we're done with that, assuming that it's the end of that quest chain, we'll be finished in Bloodmyst and free to move on.

I know we have a herd of quests waiting for us in Auberdine, but as I mentioned before our plan is to take a trip over to Redridge first so we'll be taking a sea voyage to Menethil Harbour by way of Auberdine (skipping those quests for the now), then trekking east and south to Thelsamar in Loch Modan. From there it's west to Ironforge then we take a trip on the Deeprun Tram to Stormwind, then on foot down to Goldshire and east out to Lakeshire in the Redridge Mountains. On the way we'll be able to hit the flightmasters in Menethil, Thelsamar, Ironforge, Stormwind and Lakeshire, and opening up so many flightpaths alone makes the trip worth doing. We could even take the time to stroll out to Darkshire and Sentinel Hill to add those in, since we'll be in the general area.

It's hard to guess how long it'll take to get to Lakeshire but if we just hammer on through without stopping to make any side-jaunts I think we can probably do it in maybe forty-five minutes. Once we're done with Kate's quest we'll be able to get back to Auberdine much faster - five or ten minutes, maybe. That's assuming we don't pick up a bunch of quests out there and decide to hang around for a while. We'll see when we get there.

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