Thursday, July 10, 2008

Are we finished with Elwynn Forest now?

The Paladin-only quest

The first thing we did was head east from Goldshire toward Stone Cairn lake. We went cross-country rather than sticking to the road; it took longer but we got some extra XP by whacking anything that got in the way and we could pick up materials wherever they showed up.

There are murlocs around the lake shores but it turns out that the island in the middle (which we'd never been on before) is populated with Defias spellcasters. The quest itself is pretty straightforward; find the body of the dead guy (Kate found him right away, spread out on a rock) then use the stone I was given to bring him back. Then the alive-again guy said to get a script from one of the Defias; that was easy, too, as the very first one I knocked over had one. The last step was to take the script to the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind, which we did pretty much right away. After handing over the script I received training in the Redemption spell, meaning that I now have the power to resurrect. Cool!

The Warrior-only quest

At that point I thought we were finished with eastern Elwynn, but I'd forgotten that Kate had a Warrior-only quest and it turned out it meant turning right around and going all the way back out to the Eastvale logging camp. Once there, we had to go south to the area near Ridgepoint Tower to look for Defias bad guy Dead-tooth Jack.

He wasn't hard to find and of course he had the usual entourage that a lot of elites have. No problem, though - Kate waded in and took down Jack and one or two of his mates while I kept her health up from a distance with Holy Light spells. Job done (or perhaps I should say 'Jack done'). And somewhere along the way we both hit level 13 and I think we're not far off 14.

We headed back to Stormwind, making a stop in Goldshire on the way to sell junk, make repairs, cook food, smelt copper, make some items for auction, etc. (waiting until Stormwind to do all that would have taken quite a lot longer because I'd have had to go over to the Dwarven Quarter to do the blacksmithing work then into the Old Town to do the cooking - the Pig and Whistle Inn is the only place I've found so far that has a cooking fire). Once in Stormwind all that was really left to do was hit the auction house to set up a few sales, then we headed back to Goldshire for the night.

We're both itching to get out of Elwynn. As far as I know, all we have left to do here is report to Westbrook Garrison, at which point if I remember right we'll get a quest to take out some Gnolls - that may be enough to get us to level 14 - and then it's Hogger Time. I'm really not too concerned about him; what bothers me more is that if we hit him at a busy time we could end up with a bunch of other characters trying to get him at the same time as us. What we may have to do, if there are other groups around, is wait at a safe distance until they're done then jump in as soon as we have him to ourselves.

Once Hogger's gone I really think we're done and can move on to Westfall. And frankly, I have no problem leaving Elwynn behind with uncompleted quests just to get on.

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