Saturday, July 05, 2008

Starting Over


A Mage and a Rogue don't complement each other very well. That's the conclusion we've come to after all the problems we've had, such as the Deadmines. So we decided to begin afresh with two new characters - Kate now has a Warrior, and I have a Paladin. We went with Human characters again, which means that we'll be covering a lot of old ground, but the advantage is that we'll be in familiar territory.

We'll be limited on ranged attacks, at least to begin with, but between the two of us we should be able to deal out much more punishment and while my Paladin won't be quite as damaging as Kate's Warrior I should still be far better off than the Mage and I have protection and healing abilities to keep us both alive. It may not be the perfect setup but I think we'll do better this time round.

One thing that occurred to me was that once we level these new characters up into the high twenties, we'll be able to mix'n'match somewhat - Kate's Rogue will be able to work with my Paladin and her Warrior with my Mage. We'll see how that works when we get that far, which is likely to be at least a couple of weeks. In the meantime I think we'll probably leave the older characters to sit in Menethil.

A Tale of Two Tanks

Obviously, we haven't got very far yet. We're up to level 7; we cleared all the quests in the Northshire Abbey starting area then moved to Goldshire and ran three or four quests there, including all the Fargodeep Mine quests. I have Mining and Blacksmithing as primary trade professions (which will allow me to create armour for both of us) but I need to research to figure out good combinations for Warriors.

Even at levels 3 and 4, I was able to handle three and sometimes four Defias at the same time in the Northshire vineyard; my Mage was dead meat if more than one of those guys latched on. Somehow I don't think the Deadmines are going to be so much of a problem this time...

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