Thursday, July 03, 2008

Change of Address

We decided to move on and explore some new areas, so we've relocated to Menethil Harbour and spent some time exploring the coast to the north of there. We didn't do much in the way of any major questing - primarily we were exploring - but we did get a little closer to level 30.

We don't have a fixed plan but I think we'll probably sweep eastward to map the rest of the Wetlands; we'll have to take a little care because although the Wetlands are Alliance-favoured, I think the north/northeast is close to a Horde zone. I don't think we'll have much trouble, though. After that we could go south into Loch Modan and Dun Morogh, or north into the Arathi Highlands.

We abandoned the Deadmines quests, at least for the time being, but sooner or later we'll have to return to Redridge, Duskwood and Stormwind. For the moment, though, our local shops are in Ironforge. Maybe it's just me but Ironforge seems larger than Stormwind.

One curiosity: the Gryphon flight route to Menethil from (I think) Stormwind took us east to Loch Modan then north over the mountains into the Wetlands. Up there in the mountains, in the border area, I saw Gryphons on the ground but none of the maps I've seen show a flightmaster anywhere near. The next time we happen to fly that way I'll try to pinpoint the location, then I'd like to see if we can reach it on foot.

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