Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A Big Push in Redridge and Duskwood

We made a lot of progress yesterday. We started in southern Redridge, mostly so that Kate could gather Condor and Spider meat for Redridge Goulash (which heals and also gives 15 minutes of increased Spirit and Stamina), and worked our way to the Tower of Ilgalar. There's a statue outside the tower where we'd dropped a special pendant as part of a quest earlier; the statue (or rather the pendant) had another quest for us: to take down Mordanth, who lives in the tower, and take his pendant. I already had a reason to go into the tower - a Mage-only quest to collect a book to be returned to Stormwind.

So we got into the tower and, fighting Gnoll Shadowcasters and dog-like Servants of Ilgalar all the way to the top, whacked Mordanth and got the book. Two quests down.

Yomping back to Lakeshire we detoured to Stonewatch Keep to take care of another quest, this one to collect the head of Gath'llzog (or something like that). This should have been easy but was complicated by the fact that another player followed the trail of bodies that we'd left up the stairs, then decided to 'help' in the fight, and thanks to the silly sod getting in my way I got wiped (there really should be some kind of etiquette guide for WoW, you know). By the time I'd got back from the graveyard (all the way over the far west side of Redridge) the fight was all over. But at least we got the head, and we moved on.

Back to Lakeshire to collect on the head, then a quick trip to Stormwind to hand over the book and take care of auctions and banking. Delivering the book to Andromath closed that quest and started another, to collect spider silks.

We went to Darkshire and back to the Ogre Mound in the south, and whacked a bunch of ogres for XP and gold. Then we moved north to the Raven Hill cemetery and we were able to take care of two more quests - the Mage-only one to get the spider silk, and while we were at it we decided to go after Mor'Ladim; level-30 elite he may be, but we got him (or more specifically, we knocked him down quite a bit then I got wiped and Kate finished him off solo).

This happens a lot; Kate will tag a mob then I'll start hitting it with Fireball and Arcane Missile and the damn thing will lose interest in Kate and come after me. Since I switched on Target of Target I can see when the switch happens. I think it's down to Threat Level - something I'm doing is pushing my level up so that it's higher than Kate's and so I become the priority target. It's annoying because I end up in a melee fight with Kate having to chase the mob to stay close. This is why I keep getting wiped in these fights (as well as the times when another player joins in uninvited, as in Stonewatch Keep). I need to check on which of my spells increase my threat level, and plan my attacks accordingly.

Anyway, we took out a bunch of ghouls for more XP and gold, then from Raven Hill we went north and crossed the river into Elwynn Forest and ran to the Tower of Azora, where we could deliver the pendant we took from Mordanth earlier and close yet another quest.

All in all a successful trip - a bunch of quests closed (my log is down to 15) leaving three remaining in Redridge and another three in Westfall (including two in the Deadmines), and we both made level 29 along the way.

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