Saturday, June 21, 2008


The Klaven's Tower quest run went pretty much as well as we could have expected. The first time Kate's character tried to pick the key from the pocket of the malformed Defias patrolling the tower, it turned out that someone else had already snitched it so I whacked him to force a respawn and we got the key on the second attempt. So far, so good.

Kate went into the tower stealthed and I followed - Kate was able to spot the guards without being seen and then I could get them out of the way, at least until we were almost to the top of the tower, when Kate got spotted and set upon by two guards. We got rid of them but not before Kate got wiped. Still, that just left Klaven himself on the top floor and he wasn't any trouble - Kate opened the locked Duskwood chest and we got out.

This is where the game sneaked in a surprise - somewhere along the line Kate got poisoned with something ('Touch of Zanzil') that knocked down her agility by 15% and eliminated her capacity to use Stealth, and it had a seven DAY duration on it.

It turns out it's part of the quest chain, and to get it cured you have to gather some items for an antidote. Three of the four items are easy-peasy, but the fourth (a bronze tube) is pretty hard to find - according to WoWWiki, there are only three merchants in the places we've been that sell them, and the supply is very limited but it seems that they replenish about every 30 minutes. We located the merchant in Stormwind and he didn't have one, so we waited for one to reappear in his inventory... and waited... and waited. We got tired of waiting and I left Kate to watch that first vendor while I went to try the one in Ironforge (he didn't have one) and then Darkshire (he didn't have one either). In the end we gave up and found the thing in the Auction House with a buyout price of 35 silver - probably four times the vendor price, but at least we were able to get Kate's character cured.

With that done, Kate now had the Poison skill (yay!) and is now able to treat her blades with poisons that last an hour at a time.

We decided then to head into Duskwood and make some progress in our quests there and we were able to clear two or three of those, and we made level 23 in the process. We still have quests in Redridge and three or four that mean going back to the Deadmines. I'm thinking we should do the Deadmines first, but we'll decide that when the time comes.

On the Auctions, the three gems I put up for sale all sold for good money, but the cloth armour came back to me unsold so I just took it to a vendor. I'm still planning on selling most of the good stuff by auction (when it actually sells, that is). Perhaps rarer items such as guns would have a bit more interest than plain old cloth armour.

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