Sunday, June 29, 2008

Going West

We cleared another few quests in Duskwood - taking out Skeletal Raiders, Healers and Warders and Nightbane Shadow Weavers, running errands for Abercrombie, and a couple of others. Along the way we discovered the Yorgen Farmstead in the south.

Kate pointed out a large area in the north that we hadn't mapped, so we found our way in and discovered the Twilight Grove. It sounds nice. It looks nice. Then, looking down from the hills as we descended into the grove, we saw a huge dragon ('level ??'). Discretion being the better part of valour, we scarpered. But at least our map of Duskwood is now completely filled in.

With some more of our quests completed we made a trip to Stormwind to take care of business at the bank and the auction house and while we were there we located the library to return an old history book - another quest taken care of.

By this time we were both level 27 (and well on the way to 28) and I persuaded Kate that we could and should try to get to Darnassus to get her bow training. We flew to Thelsamar in Loch Modan then struck out north into the Wetlands. We needn't have worried - we tromped all the way across the region to Menethil Harbour without incident, then took our first sea voyage to Auberdine and then a second ship to the Rut'theran Village in Teldrassil.

There's a portal in the village that drops you right in the middle of Darnassus. We explored the city a little, mostly to locate the weapons trainer, and Kate got her training so she can now use bows.

Darnassus is beautiful, and from what little we saw so is the interior of the island. But it was getting late so this time around we thought we'd better head back to Darkshire. We'll be going back again to explore more, hopefully soon, and of course now that we've opened up the flight paths we can do that quicker in future.

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