Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Deadmines and Duskwood

Deadmines: The Worst Good Time We've Had

We attempted the Deadmines again, and failed again, and although we made it much farther we won't be trying it again for a good while.

I'm guessing that the quest really is intended for a full complement of five players including a Tank and a Healer. A Mage and a Rogue don't cut the mustard, even at level 29.

We got past Rhahk'Zor without problems. Sneed's Shredder wiped me (same problem as before with the threat level, it seems) but Kate was able to take it out; but then she had to take on Sneed solo, while low on health from the fight with the Shredder, while I was running back from the graveyard (and it's a long haul from the graveyard in Sentinel Hill) and she got wiped too. Once together again we were able to deal with Sneed pretty easily.

One thing that annoyed me: because I was out of the picture when the Shredder went down, I didn't get the Gnoam Sprecklesprocket that's needed for one of the quests - so I'm going to have to take on the Shredder and Sneed again just to get that one item.

After Sneed we got to the Goblin Foundry and both got wiped at least a half dozen more times before we were able to clear out the goblins including the head goblin Gilnid.

In the next area after the foundry we encountered Defias Overseers and Magicians, and while we were fighting them we got surrounded by a bunch of miners. Even though we took down a few of them, we didn't really stand a chance.

That's when it just got stupid. It had taken us an age to get as far as we had, and we weren't far from the Cove and the end of the mines. When we resurrected this time around, we found that all the miners, overseers, evokers and the rest had respawned - so we'd have had to fight our way past all of them again just to get back to the point we'd got to before. And since we're level 29 and all these guys are level 20 or less, we didn't get even one point of XP for the whole sorry episode.

It's a game; it's supposed to be fun. This wasn't fun any more, and we didn't want to do all that again.

Frankly it's just annoying; every damn goblin in the place is an elite, not just the bosses - the level 20 goblins in the foundry are harder to kill than the level 30 ogres we found in the Ogre Mound in Duskwood. To have to go through so many for no XP isn't really fair. We picked up some good cash and some 'green' and 'blue' items to sell or auction, but all in all we'd have done a lot better elsewhere.

So basically we have no more reason to go back there except to finish off those last two quests, and as far as I'm concerned that can wait until we're at a high enough level where either one of us can gib one of those little bastard level-20 elite goblins with a single hit, so that basically we walk in, kill everything, grab the goods and walk out.

As far as I'm concerned Blizzard really got this one wrong; instance dungeons could and should be balanced dynamically to take into account the number and capabilities of the group attempting them. And the quest log entries should be coloured accordingly - this quest now shows up as grey, meaning that it should be really easy, but that's probably assuming a balanced group of five.

Raven Hill

After the Deadmines debacle we flew to Stormwind, where Kate was able to deliver the Sprecklesprocket to Shoni the Shilent, and we took care of some auction and bank business. From there we went back to Darkshire and then Raven Hill, where we were able to collect on a couple of completed quests from the day before. And that, I think, is where we left things.

I think I'd like to finish up our three remaining quests in Redridge, then it's high time we moved on. Kate mentioned that she'd like to do some more exploring and I know I'm ready to see some new scenery. I'm thinking we should do a trip to Ironforge and explore the city and the Dun Morogh zone; we have an old quest in Loch Modan, and we should explore that area too. Then we could go north and explore the Wetlands. We have quests in Lordaeron and Kalimdor. Or we could go back to Teldrassil. There are plenty of options.

The Deadmines can wait.

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