Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Finding The Way


The guy that owed me money was online when we went in so I pinged him. He was actually good about it and returned the cash, plus a bit extra for the inconvenience. That tells me that he probably wasn't trying to cheat me; I think he was just being a bit dumb, and made a commitment that he couldn't meet. I'm not worried about it; I won't have any more dealings with him and in future any and all trading I do will be through the trade window or via COD mail.

The High Frontier

According to information from WoWWiki the Tome of Valor quest that I was looking for should have been available from someone near the Paladin trainer in Ironforge - not Exodar as it was originally implied. So I took a quick flight up to Ironforge to check it out but there was no sign. Back at Stormwind I ran up to the Cathedral and found that the Tome was there, in the hands of Duthorian Rall. So I got the Tome and checked it, and it turns out that it's the first step in a chain - the next quest takes place in the Westfall.

I put that to one side for the moment, since the reason we were there in the first place was to take care of Kate's quest in Lakeshire. We ran out there and found the guy Kate was supposed to meet, but it turned out the next quest is timed and Kate didn't feel like doing that under time pressure so she decided not to take it, at least for the time being.

At that point we could have gone to the Westfall and picked up on my Paladin-only quest but to be honest I didn't feel like going out there again just yet, so instead we decided to head back to Auberdine and pick up from where we left off after leaving Bloodmyst.

Flying back to Menethil Harbour on the way to Auberdine we passed over an area we'd noticed before; I mentioned in the July 3 post that we'd seen Gryphons on the ground, high up in the mountains in an area where there was no flightmaster shown on any map. In that post I said that this was in the north of Loch Modan, but I was wrong - it's actually in the far north of Dun Morogh, east of Ironforge. In addition to the Gryphons you can see two straight roads close together, some buildings and what look like Tanks (the tracked-vehicle sort).

This is intriguing and we decided to try to get up there on foot. There doesn't seem to be any way to get there from the Wetlands side to the north - the cliffs and mountains are too high and steep - so it looked like our best chance was to fly back to Ironforge and head east from there.

On the way we passed close to the quarry where there are quite a few copper veins around, so we were able to pick up some ore. From there we skirted all around the area where we'd seen the Gryphons but we couldn't find a way up. It looks like this area was put in as a teaser to hook people in just the way we were, and I don't think Blizzard would be so cruel as to put it there in plain sight and have no way to get to it.

As far as we can tell we checked every possible trail that leads in the right direction. Either there's a way and we just didn't find it, or there's a hidden way - a cave, perhaps, that leads to a way up through one of the buildings we saw. We did find one cave, just above the Amberstill Ranch, but it was a dead end.

We'd spent enough time on this for the time being so we decided to pack it in until we can do some research. Instead we made our way back to Menethil and took the boat to Auberdine, picked up all the quests that start in that town then quit for the night. But on the way we made one more intriguing discovery.

Instead of walking back to Ironforge we used Hearthstones, which had been set to Stormwind as a home base, then flew up from there and this took us right back over the same area one more time. You have to be quick but I was able to do a fast 360° as we passed over, in particular to look for anything that looked like a path leading in. I didn't see one, but what I did see this time that I hadn't noticed before was surprising - biplanes on the ground. Planes of unusual design, to be sure, but definitely planes. Those aren't roads we saw down there; they're runways. The place is an airstrip.

This makes me wonder if the only way to this area is to fly in, in one of those planes, at least until you can get to the flightmaster and open up a Gryphon flightpath. Something technical like a plane would be the work of the Gnomes - they're into all that engineering stuff. So maybe the way there involves going to wherever the Gnomes call home - Gnomeregan is a name I've heard - and flying from there. But if Gnomes are involved there's another possibility: Ironforge isn't too far away to the west and there's a 'suburb' called Tinkertown that appears to be a Gnome quarter. My feeling at the moment is that this is the key - I'm betting there's a stairway, path, tunnel or something leading from Tinkertown to one of the buildings in this hidden valley. Definitely a hot topic for some research - or maybe we'll just go to Tinkertown and see if we can find it without help first.

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