Sunday, August 03, 2008

Windshear Crag and the Blackfathom Deeps

Kate had a new axe that she wanted to be able to use, and to do that she needed to get axe training. The trainer in the Exodar doesn't do that so we took a trip to Ironforge to take care of it. As we passed through Auberdine on the way I went to see the Night Elf Thundris Windweaver as part of my Paladin-only quest, and he gave me a sub-quest to collect a corrupted Kor Gem from Blackfathom Deeps.

In Ironforge we found the Weapon Trainer and Kate was able to get the axe training, and while we were there I got the same training myself and with that done we returned to Auberdine and flew on to Stonetalon Peak. As soon as we got there we were able to close out the quest that we'd completed in the Charred Vale (the one that involved whacking all the Bloodfuries) and that gave us a new quest that'll take us to Thousand Needles, far south of the Barrens; this is not one we'll be completing any time soon.

Kate needed to build up her axe skill so I stood back ready with Holy Light while she bashed some sap beasts. While we were doing that Kate spotted a gold vein uphill - the first we've seen, so she had to grab it before someone else did.

With Kate's axe skill up to a decent level we headed south along the canyon toward Windshear Crag to take care of another quest - this one to take out Venture Co. Loggers and Deforesters. Along the way I found a tin vein and was at last able to get the last point on my mining skill to push it to 125. Shortly after that I found an iron deposit that I could now mine, and of course there are a number of copper veins around.

The Venture Co. guys are about level 20 and so very easy, but of course the downside to that is that we got no XP from them. We had some trouble finding enough Deforesters to complete the quest until I ran across a sawmill that seems to be Deforester Central.

With the quest completed we were able to close it out quickly - the quest completer, a gnome called Gaxim Rustfizzle, was nearby at the point where the road southwest out of Windshear Crag turns north toward Stonetalon Peak. That done we went back to the peak, mostly to see if the gold vein Kate had mined earlier had regenerated (it hadn't, or someone else had mined it again shortly before we got back).

Our plan next was to hit Blackfathom Deeps but first we hearthstoned back to the Exodar to take care of other business - auctioning a couple of items we'd picked up and getting mining and blacksmithing training. Kate was able to make us both very powerful one-handed maces and I now have plans for more bronze armour and weapons.

We took the boat back to Auberdine, flew to Astranaar then took the road west to the Zoram Strand and the entrance to Blackfathom Deeps. The main quest here was to whack Naga to collect Corrupted Brain Stems (yecch) so that a Night Elf in Auberdine can try to find the cause of the corruption. The Deeps contains an instance portal but we collected all we needed outside (and one of the first Naga I took down dropped the Corrupted Kor Gem I need for the Paladin quest) so we didn't really need to go into the instance. We did anyway, just to see what was in there. It's filled with level 22/23 elite murlocs and other things and I think we explored most if not all of it.

I don't like elites; a level 22 elite has the defences of a level 25 regular mob and on top of that usually has other abilities that make it tougher still. Taking one on is as hard as taking on a level 27+ regular - but when it finally goes down you only get the XP that goes with a level 22. Thanks to this we didn't get much XP in the Deeps and combined with the fact that we got no XP in Windshear Crag, Kate is still level 28 and I'm still at 27 and little more than halfway to 28. The next quests we take on need to be in tougher areas so that we can push forward.

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