Monday, August 04, 2008

Forest Song and Dance

Yesterday we got virtually no XP on our travels, so we decided that our best bet to get some good XP and close out some quests was to locate Forest Song, a settlement in northeast Ashenvale. We already had two or three quests for which we needed to find the place and as I think I mentioned before, eastern Ashenvale is a very hostile area so we expected a challenge.

After getting stomped by a guard right outside Splintertree Post two or three days ago, I didn't think we'd get to Forest Song using that road. Sure, we could have tried to keep our distance and sneak past, but having already seen the area I didn't rate our chances.

Instead I suggested trying to find a back way, by going up the road toward Felwood and seeing if there's a way to cut east from there along the base of the mountains - essentially going behind Splintertree Post and ideally coming out on the road further east.

We were almost at the Felwood border and I was beginning to think we wouldn't find a way up into the hills, when we found a trail leading a bit south of east off the road. It's a wide path through the forest, with a fair number of bears and spiders, and the first place it leads to is Night Run, an area filled with level 26-27 Satyrs. There was also a red crystal - one of two that I needed for the Tower of Althalaxx quest (Kate didn't have this quest). After clearing out the area we followed the trail, which turns northeast. There are more spiders and bears here (level 25 and up) so we were getting pretty good XP already.

The trail brought us out on a riverbank, and a little way further northeast we could see what looked like a bridge. This turned out to be part of the ruins of Xavian, a derelict settlement of some kind centred on another small lake. There appears to be at least one invisible spider here (or of course it could have been a different kind of bug) - Kate was getting attacked with something spitting venom. I could even see the squirts of green poison, but neither of us could see what was doing the attacking. Luckily whatever it was didn't follow for long.

We scouted clockwise around the lake until we found the next part of the trail, leading southeast. This brought us to Satyrnaar, which is loaded with (surprise!) Satyrs. Again, another burst of good XP, and I also found the second red crystal here. Once we'd explored the area we found a short trail leading south over a rise and onto the road. Great stuff - we'd done exactly what we'd hoped, bypassing Splintertree Post. Forest Song was just a few steps along the road on the north side.

Forest Song has about four quest givers, a trader who can do repairs, a flightmaster, and that's all - no inn, no forge, no trainers of any kind. We took the quests on offer, sold junk, got repairs, and saddled up.

First on the agenda was to go west over the rise and back into Satyrnaar. Two quests here: to find the Lost Chalice (it's sitting on the corner of a small square building surrounded by a low circular wall on the northeast side of Satyrnaar), and to gather five piles of wood.

After taking care of these we were both very close to levelling so we decided to hang around a little while longer and get the last few points we needed. Kate hit level 29; I'm now 28.

We went back over the rise into Forest Song and closed out the Chalice quest, then headed out for the next quests. This took us to the Warsong Labour Camp, directly south just across the road. Here we had to collect fifteen more lumber piles to go with the other five and complete that quest, and also to take down ten Horde Scouts, five Deforesters, a couple of Shredders and Overseer Gorthak.

Finding the lumber piles, scouts, deforesters and shredders is easy. What's harder is actually getting them without getting walloped. We found that the Warsong Peons will call for help when attacked - more than once we found ourselves getting surrounded and wiped. However it didn't take too long to get all we needed from them, and that just left Gorthak.

There was no clue where in the camp we'd find him, but there's a larger building inside a stockade just east of the road running through the camp. That was the obvious place to look. We didn't knock at the gate into the stockade - we climbed up a rise and jumped over, cleared a path through a couple of shamen, then restored health and mana and ran into the building. We knocked down two or three more shamen and found a large room in the middle of the building - the obvious place to find Gorthak. There were shamen left and right just inside the door so I went left and Kate went right.

I lasted about ten seconds. Somehow Kate was able to get out of the building with severely depleted health, but at least in one piece - we both thought she was a goner but the shamen didn't follow. Because my corpse was inside the building I had to get very close to the outside wall before I was in range to reincarnate; I was still gearing up again when another damn shamen saw me, and in seconds I had three of them on me. I tried to run for the gate so that I could get in healing range of Kate, but with three of them on me and another three on her we didn't stand much of a chance. At least this time I went down much closer to the stockade fence so we were both able to bring ourselves back outside.

We reappeared back on the same hill that we'd jumped over the stockade fence from earlier. Kate stopped to trade me some melon juice she'd picked up, and it's a good thing she did because I happened to turn the right direction to see Gorthak standing in a building just a few yards away. So much for the obvious place to look. We circled the building to find the entrance; there was one shaman inside on the lower floor, and Gorthak was alone upstairs. Easy in, easy out, quest complete.

We took the road north out the camp, knocking down a couple of scouts that got in the way, and were back at Forest Song in a flash with two more quests to close out. With that done Kate hearthstoned back to the Exodar. I flew to Astranaar and ran to Maestra's Post from there to close out the Tower of Althalaxx quest before zipping back to the Exodar myself, and we took care of the usual bank and auction house business.

Kate has about maxed out her cooking training; to go higher she has to find a higher level trainer. We were both pretty sure there was one in the Old Town in Stormwind so we took a trip there but when we got there we found that the trainer doesn't offer anything that the trainer in the Exodar doesn't, so it was actually a waste of time. We took advantage of the mining and blacksmithing facilities, and I got my level 28 Paladin training in the Cathedral of Light, then we made our way back to the Exodar.

I did a little checking afterward and found that there is one cooking trainer that handles expert level, and it turns out that she's in the Silverwind Refuge - an area apparently not far from Forest Song and that we need to find soon anyway. So I'm guessing that our next trip will be taking us back out that way to continue exploring the region. We do have one other thing we have to do; we did very little mining on this last trip and we're both really short of cash, so we need to make mining (especially iron, silver and gold) a priority.

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