Monday, August 11, 2008

Going Back for Gold

We decided to go back to the Arathi Highlands to try to find the gold veins north of Stromgarde, but it took us quite a while to get there because we spent a long time in Wetlands whacking murlocs, crocalisks and raptors to get a bit more XP toward our next levels. This time we went north from Menethil through the marshes that we're already familiar with, then east exploring new ground until we met up with the road north into Arathi.

One thing we wanted to do was get to Refuge Pointe because there's a flightmaster there, but we got sidetracked and basically forgot. Instead we retraced our steps west back to the mithril vein we found before; Kate was able to mine it this time. From there we went north, crossing the road and heading in the general direction of the gold veins as I remembered their positions from the maps. We didn't get that far, and in fact it was all we could do to grab a couple of bits of iron.

Mining is never as easy as you might think, because it seems that every area that has anything worth mining in decent quantities is also infested with relatively high-level mobs. In this case the hills on the north side of Arathi are crawling with level 36 spiders which made it difficult to even get close enough to spot the mineral outcrops. We made our way west along the hills and left the spiders behind, but apparently we also left the gold behind (and everything else, for that matter) because we never found a single vein. We did at least get our levels - I'm now 31, Kate's 32.

We found ourselves at the wall separating Arathi from the Hillsbrad Foothills and a little way down from the north end found a gap leading through. It looks like this gap is not the main gate, because when we found the main road we could see the gate where the road passes through - and it looks like that area is patrolled by Forsaken riff-raff in groups of about four. These are the same guys that attacked us on the road in the east the day before; it looks like they stick to the east side of the wall, though, so as long as we kept our distance we were safe.

We stuck to the road and followed the signs to Southshore where we were able to open up the flightpath, sell junk and get repairs done. We even took on a minor quest to catch a few turtles, the reward for which was a recipe that we can use.

We'll probably be messing around in this area for a little while; it's a good place for levels and hopefully for mining - once we get another level or two to even up the playing field with the damn spiders.

In the meantime we decided to set Ironforge as home base; it's a lot more convenient than the Exodar. We both need to have a big push on advancing our fishing skills (Southshore has stuff that's good to fish for but requires a higher skill level than we have) and I need to find some decent amounts of tin so that I can push my blacksmithing up - I need to get it to at least 145 (it's 124 at the moment).

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