Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mining for Greens

We didn't do a great deal in the way of pushing our characters forward this time around; Kate went out to the Wetlands marshes and I ran the Deadmines again, both of us to gather stuff to sell and to auction. Nothing in either area is at a high enough level to give any XP.

Down in the Deadmines I pushed a little further than last time - as a level 32 Rhahk'Zor was a fight but not too bad, and when I got to the Mast Room I took on the first batch of goblins three at a time. I'd hoped to clear out the goblins before taking on Sneed's Shredder but I timed it badly and had to fight the shredder and a leftover goblin together, and when the shredder went down that left Sneed and the other goblin with me in a weakened state, and it was a wipe. The second time through, of course, it was much easier.

I got a little way past the Mast Room but by then my packs were full so I decided to stop, and I hearthstoned out to Ironforge.

I'm not sure how Kate got along but I picked up the usual stack of linen and wool, a lump of copper and twelve lumps of tin ore. There was also the usual pile of poor quality weapons and armour, and of course the stuff I was really after - Uncommon quality 'green' items. We shared out the ore - half the tin I'd picked up in the mines went to Kate and she gave me half the copper she'd picked up in the Wetlands.

After selling the vendor trash and auctioning off the greens, I decided to have a bit of a blacksmithing-fest; I pulled all the ore and metal bars that I've been hoarding in the bank and took the whole pile over to the Great Forge. Smelting all the ore pushed my mining and smelting up to 199, then I made as much stuff as I could and got my blacksmithing up to 143 - a couple more points and I'll be able to learn more plans. All the stuff that got made went to the auction house, together with some other odds and ends such as mana potions and melon juices that I don't really have a need for any more. And that's where I left it for the day, with probably something like twenty auctions in place.

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