Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stilwell's Hammer

Kate wanted to grind for XP around the marshes in Wetlands; I could have done that but I wanted to get the Paladin-only quest off my list - I had three of the four items I needed and I just wanted to finish it since it was so close - so when Kate flew out from Ironforge to Menethil I took off for Southshore.

Southshore was being raided in a big way when I arrived - the Hillsbrad Foothills Local Defence channel filled up with messages about it as soon as my Gryphon got into range, and I could see a lot of fighting going on down near the inn, so as soon as I landed I ran out of town to what I hoped was a safe distance. At level 31 I'm nowhere near strong enough to be part of trying to fight off a raid, and getting involved would have been pointless. So I got ready for the wilds (firing up an aura, sharpening my axe, etc.) and headed west.

The last item I needed was Jordan Stilwell's smithing hammer which he'd left in the stables in Shadowfang Keep, west of Hillsbrad in the Silverpine Forest, when the Horde had invaded and forced an evacuation. I made my way in that general direction and soon found Pyrewood village and Shadowfang Keep.

The Keep is an instance, and all the bad guys in there are level 18/19 elites. I had no trouble taking them on three at a time down as far as the cells. There was a wizard in the cells that I had to release so that he could unlock the door leading into the courtyard; the yard beyond is filled with bad guys. Taking on four at a time was a challenge and I got wiped once, but not the second time; I found the stables and the hammer, and got out.

The fighting in Southshore was over by the time I got back. I'd used up quite a few of my 'cheesehead' Turtle Bisques so instead of taking off right away I went to the river to grab some turtle meat, then went back into town to clear out my pack and do some cooking and repairs. With that done I flew back to Ironforge and went to see Jordan Stilwell with all four of the items he needed.

Stilwell took the items and made me Verigan's Fist, a very powerful two-handed mace. My two-handed mace skills aren't too good so I decided to find somewhere, not too high level, to practice up. I settled on Duskwood and flew out to Darkshire, where I did a little foray out of town to whack a handful of spiders. By then it was getting late so I parked in the inn there in Darkshire and packed it in for the night.

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