Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hillsbrad and Arathi

We went back to Southshore and headed north from there along the river, mostly to look for tin veins - there are supposed to be quite a few in the area to the north of Tarren Mill. Unfortunately I went just a bit too far north at one point and got noticed by guards at the gate into the Alterac Mountains. We made a point of staying clear after that and instead headed east, back across the river and toward the gap in Thoradin's Wall.

On the way we found a path leading northeast from Durnehold Keep and followed it out of curiosity; it leads to The Hinterlands, an area that's too high level for us just yet but at least we'll know the way when the time comes.

Back at the wall we went back through the gap into the Arathi Highlands and made our way to Refuge Pointe so that we could open up the flightpath that we forgot about the day before. From there we went back east hoping to get back to the mithril vein that we'd found, and we got lucky - we found several mithril veins, spread out a bit but not terribly far apart, so we spent most of the rest of the time camped out and circling the area to gather as much of the stuff as we could.

As a diversion at one point we went through a cave into the cove to the south of Stromgarde Keep and swam around the coastline to see what was round the corner - and found a bunch of Booty Bay guys with a ship. From there we swam further and eventually swam underneath Thandol Span, coming back into Arathi by going through a camp of Dark Iron dwarves.

I also explored around the west side of Stromgarde and ended up in a bit of trouble - I slipped on a steep slope and ended up in the water. I went north around the coast but because of the steep slopes I wasn't able to get back on land until I was all the way back at the Hillsbrad Foothills, and I had to fight my way past six or seven Naga. From there I was able to make my way back by going over Thoradin's Wall (there's a ramp that gets you onto the wall, then you can jump down the other side) and then back south to Stromgarde where I'd started.

After all that messing about, camping out waiting for mithril to respawn was relaxing by comparison. We did that until we'd gathered a reasonable pile (or rather, until Kate had - my mining skill isn't high enough to let me mine mithril just yet) then we headed back to Thandol Span, mostly to give us a chance to whack a few raptors for XP, and hearthstoned back to Ironforge.

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