Friday, September 05, 2008

Dustwallow Marsh

I headed right out to the Circle of West Binding and whacked away at the Fire Elementals; thanks to the rest bonus I got 400+ XP for each one and although I didn't time it I think it took about twenty minutes to hit level 40.

By that time Kate had gone on ahead of me to Theramore so I flew back to Ironforge, dumped the vendor trash, put the Burning Charms from the elementals in the mail to Kate, got my stuff repaired then hit the Paladin Trainer. I always get all the training I can, regardless of the price, on the basis that you never know what you're going to need. In this case I picked up upgrades to a bunch of skills plus a new aura, and the main thing I was after - the ability to use Plate Mail.

Next stop was the auction house. I was planning to spend some time to get a good combination of kit but with Kate already out at Dustwallow Marsh I wanted to be quick, so I just picked up a new plate belt and breastplate - both pretty cheap, or at least well below market price - then took off for Menethil and the boat to Theramore.

There were two more quick stops in Theramore: one to grab some arrows for Kate, then a visit to the Trauma Surgeon to learn how to make Runecloth bandages (so now I need to find some Runecloth to push my First Aid up to 290). That done, I rode out to meet Kate near the Bloodhoof village in the northeast.

Kate was whacking level 36-37 raptors and we knew we could do better so we rode out to the west side of the marsh with the intention of finding the level 40-41 mobs we knew were out there. On the way we found a spot (just west of the road to the south of Brackenwall Village) where we could take care of two quests - one to gather some feathers from raptors, and another to take down one particular raptor. It took a while because only maybe one raptor out of three would drop the feathers we needed (we needed five each), but the boss raptor we were after was, despite the fact that he was huge, only level 39 and didn't take long to knock over.

Both of those quests had come from NPCs in Mudsprocket so we made that the next stop and closed those out. We had another outstanding quest - to pick up eight stalks of Wyrmtail, a herb that grows in the area just south of the settlement - so we headed out and took care of that one too.

While out in that area I noticed an area - an island, really - that was wall-to-wall with level 41-42 Dragonkin. These looked very like the creatures we'd seen out in northeast Ashenvale (like the one that had wiped Kate in two seconds with a single spit of poison). For a minute I considered taking one on but these guys stay so close together that I didn't think I could do it without attracting others, so I decided to leave them for later. In any case, they're gathered together in some kind of camp and my guess is we'll get a quest that'll mean taking them on sooner rather than later.

We ran back to Mudsprocket to close out the Wyrmtail quest then flew back to Theramore - Kate wanted me to show her the vendor that sold the good arrows, since they're actually hard to find. This particular vendor is very close to the flightmaster and sells arrows for characters up to level 55.

While we were in Theramore I vendored some of the trash items I'd picked up and got repairs done. By then it was getting pretty late and I was thinking of just checking into the inn right there, but Kate wanted to check the auction house and I want to do that first thing on the next trip, so we hearthstoned back to Ironforge and left things there for the night.

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