Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stranglethorn Vale and the Swamp of Sorrows

We abandoned four remaining low-level quests in Ratchet and took the boat to Booty Bay, and once there we took on three quests and headed out into Strangethorn Vale. Eventually. It took a little while to figure out how to get out of Booty Bay, since it's accessed through a short cavern/tunnel but I didn't know that, or where it was exactly.

Stranglethorn Vale is much better matched to our levels than the Barrens, with a lot of level 41+ mobs, mostly Gorillas (at least in the area near the Bay - they may get harder further out).

The first quest was to take the heart from a Gorilla called Mokk, as it was the only cure for the Stranglethorn Fever that was killing a character back in the Bay. To get the heart we had to locate a witchdoctor in a cave to the northeast; the doc used his shadow magic to summon Mokk, but while he did that we had to keep a couple of other Gorillas off his back. Once they were gone, Mokk appeared and we were able to get the heart.

The second quest took us out to the cove north of the Bay, where we found a bunch of bad guys camped and a document, plainly the object of the quest, sitting out on top of a barrel. The only way to the document was through the baddies so I tried to pull just the nearest, and as is standard operating procedure for me, managed to get the attention of at least four of them including a shadowcaster. I should have fired up my shadow protection aura, but didn't; when my health was low I should have fired up Divine Protection, but I clicked the wrong button and got wiped. Luckily the boneyard is real close, but in any case Kate was able to take down all the guys that had been attacking me in the time it took me to get back and into fighting shape. I must remember to set the various buttons in the same positions for both my Paladins; I've been playing the Human Paladin while Kate was sick, and I got used to the different button positions, and that's why I clicked the wrong one at a crucial moment.

We read the document but then had some confusion over where we had to go for the third quest, so rather than waste too much time on it we went back to the Bay to cash in the two quests we'd completed and the rep boost was enough to get us to Friendly status with the Booty Bay faction. Of the four Steamwheedle Cartel factions that leaves just one to get a better rep with - the Everlook faction, based in a high-level area in northeast Kalimdor (by high-level I mean 55+, well beyond our current levels).

Since we'd got the rep boost we were after we didn't worry too much about the third quest right away. Instead we flew out of Booty Bay to Darkshire, with the intention of finishing up a long-overdue quest on the coast of the Swamp of Sorrows. Getting there means heading east out of Darkshire and racing through Deadwind Pass - a level-55+ area sitting between Duskwood and the Swamp. Not knowing what to expect in the Pass, we fired up as much protection as we could, saddled up and went non-stop. We needn't have worried so much; neither of us saw any living thing anywhere near the road, and we got through to the Swamp in probably no more than a minute or so.

The Swamp of Sorrows is moderately high level - about 35-45, I think - so for the most part the baddies there aren't a problem. We did have something of a close call when we went through a village thinking that there was no real threat; unfortunately something hit me with a Stun and knocked me off my horse, and the next thing we had four or five bad guys on us like a cheap suit including yes, you guessed it, another bloody shadowcaster. However we had something like eight levels on these guys so, as close as it was, we were able to get through it and carried on to the coast.

The target of the quest was to gather twelve crawler legs each (the crawlers look like big crabs) and this was pretty straightforward since there were plenty of the things around the beach, they respawn fairly quickly and many of them dropped two legs so we didn't have to find two dozen of the things to bash up. The only complication was that there were a fair number of level-41 crocs around, and they had a tendency to wander into range while I was in the process of knocking down a crawler. It was after fighting off a croc that had done that very thing when I hit level 44, and Kate hit her 45 very quickly after that.

It was getting late by the time we'd got all the legs we needed so rather than riding back through Deadwind Pass we hearthstoned straight back to Ironforge and spent a little while tidying up - vendoring junk, getting repairs and most importantly getting class training (I picked up a new spell that'll let me throw a hammer at an enemy for 300+ damage provided that said enemy has 20% or less health). That left just one last thing - a quick trip out to Theramore to hand over the crawler legs and get the quest points. So we took a gryphon ride to Menethil and jumped on the boat, took care of the quest and then checked into the inn right there in Theramore for the night.

Next time in I want to spend some time in the auction house before we head out anywhere; it's pretty obvious that my weapons are underpowered for my level, since it takes me way too long to knock down the bad guys, so I'm planning on finding the most powerful two-handed sword I can afford. After that I think we'll probably be heading back to the Hinterlands to finish up some of the outstanding quests there.

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