Thursday, October 30, 2008

In the Desert

The Necropolis that was hovering over the desert in sight of Gadgetzan was still there, and still apparently sending various kinds of high-level Undead to the staging area a little way to the west. That hampers us a little bit because we daren't go near those areas.

All the same we have plenty of quests to be getting on with that are much further out in the desert, and so we started yesterday by heading east out of Gadgetzan to take on thieves and bandits, and to whack Caliph Scorpidsting. We both dealt with the required number of baddies and Kate ran into Scorpidsting pretty much accidentally. He's level 46 and in this case had several helpers around him, but I was in range to keep Kate healed and she was able to take him down. When I'd finished with bandits and thieves we hung around the area to the south that appears to be the place Scorpidsting starts from, but after a while he still hadn't showed up so we went back to Gadgetzan to close out what we'd got so far and get repairs done.

For round 2 we had to knock down shadow mages, rogues and assassins in the same area, so after taking care of a few of those I wandered up the trail in search of Scorpidsting. I found him, and better still he was all alone, but Kate got into trouble with one particular assassin who seems to be stronger that her level would suggest, and I was about to leave Scorpidsting to go and help when his wandering brought him just a shade too close and he ran at me, so I had no choice. As I mentioned, he's level 46 - five levels above me. However he wasn't as tough as I thought he might be and I was able to beat him down.

We were pretty much out of time by then so we went back to Gadgetzan to close out quests and pack it in for the night.

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