Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Split Personality

For the last few days we've been playing our Human characters; for myself I've been playing the Mage and the Paladin, and the big problem is that at this time they're both at roughly the same level and covering the same quests. It's really confusing since I can't remember which character has done which quests. Apart from the fact that we were running Kate's Warrior and my Paladin in the northern part of Stranglethorn Vale, I'm getting a bit lost.

I can say that my Mage character has come a long way; with the new equipment he's a lot tougher than he was and he's cleaned up pretty much all of the necessary quests in Redridge and Duskwood, and is ready to move on to Theramore and Dustwallow Marsh.

I've even spent a little bit of time pushing forward with the Human Warlock I created as an auction-house stooge; he's not far from level 8, but since he mostly stays near the auction house anyway I consider him very much secondary.

For today I have a different plan for all of my characters, brought about by the fact that the 3.0.2 patch was activated yesterday and in the process every character's talent points have been reimbursed. We have to take all of our characters back to their respective class trainers because the patch introduced new spells and abilities and we need to make sure we have all the training; after that we need to rebuild our talent trees. Neither of these should take too long and then we can get back to where we were.

Another big change in the patch is that Stormwind City now has a harbour, and I want to see it and find out where the boats go from there. It'd be great if you can go direct to Theramore or even Azuremyst.

On a more personal note, I'm working on another writing project and that means I won't be able to spend as much time on this blog as I have been. I'll either keep writing daily, but with much shorter posts, or I'll keep on with the longer posts but not so often - maybe twice a week. I'll have to see what works best.

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