Thursday, October 02, 2008

Ghouls and Skeletons

We went back out to Raven Hill, our first objective being for Kate to hand over the zombie juice to Abercrombie and get the next quest in the chain. With that done Kate was at the same point as me in that particular quest chain.

The next step was to start whacking ghouls all around the boneyard nearby, looking for ribs that Abercrombie wanted for something or other. I was still a step ahead of Kate on another quest for which I need to knock over twenty Plague Spreaders; since these are a type of ghoul and they're in the same area, I was able to make some progress on that quest at the same time.

The rib quest took a while because it seems like fewer than half the ghouls actually drop the ribs we needed, but we got it done and closed out with Abercrombie. I think I got more than half the Plague Spreaders I needed along the way, which will help when it comes to Kate's turn because there aren't a huge number of them about - if I get all mine done then Kate'll have a clear field when the time comes.

Kate had another quest to complete that I'd already taken care of, that involved beating up Skeleton Horrors and Fiends (these are the ones I'd mistakenly thought were around Tranquil Gardens on the far side of Duskwood). She'd already got her quota of Horrors and just needed the Fiends, so I whacked Horrors to keep them off her back while she took care of the Fiends.

Kate had one more quick quest to take care of, to see Jitters in the old abandoned town of Raven Hill, and then we ran over to Sentinel Hill and flew back to Darkshire for the night.

We still have some more quests around Duskwood but as I think I mentioned quite some time ago, Duskwood is depressing. I'd like to get them cleared and move on.

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