Sunday, September 21, 2008


There was no pressing need to get back to Ironforge right away so instead we took off from Thelsamar and went south to Booty Bay to take care of a quest on the coast nearby, to collect some orders and a map and knock down ten swashbucklers. Getting the documents wasn't a problem but the swashbucklers are thin on the ground and don't reappear quickly; with other players trying to run the same quest and in at least one case, basically killstealing, this took a lot longer than we'd hoped. But in the end it got done, and we returned to Booty Bay and took the boat to Ratchet (forgetting to close the quest out in the Bay - we'd have to come back for that later).

From Ratchet we flew down to Gadgetzan as the majority of our open quests were (and still are) all around Tanaris. The first one we took care of took us west to Sandsorrow Watch to collect a water sample from a pool for the Gadgetzan Water Company representative. While we were doing that we were attacked by a couple of huge bugs, but they weren't too bad (my two-handed sword with the Fiery Blaze enchantment is really paying off) and before long we were ready to head back.

We didn't go direct - there were a couple of small encampments with bad guys to the north side and we went that way to explore a little and also get some more XP. It was during this bit of exploration that we found Zul'Farrak, which is important because we have some higher-level quests inside there that we'll be getting to soon.

Back at Gadgetzan we closed out the quest by handing over the water sample. The XP pushed me to level 45, and we got a new quest: the bugs that attacked us are basically sucking the water sources dry and the Water Co. rep wants us to investigate further, so we'll be doing that shortly.

The next quest we took on was one we'd tried before - to get the head of wanted pirate Andre Firebeard from the enclave on the southeast coast. That first time we weren't strong enough; this time we were ready. We went south across the desert, and I helped Kate get to her next level by whacking her tagged targets (basilisks, mostly) to speed things along until she got it.

As before we went around the south side of the hills surrounding the enclave and approached from the beach, climbing over the hills to get to the enclave fence, and getting inside by going around the end of the fence where it meets the water.

That was about as far as we'd made it before - we'd got surrounded and overpowered. This time was very different and we were able to take these guys on, even four at a time. The Hammer of Wrath spell came into its own here - I was able to stop the baddies running off to get help when their health got low. We'd pretty much wiped out the camp before we found Firebeard, and when we did it was quite a fight because as is usual for the bosses he had three or four friends helping him out. In this case it didn't help him and it was all over fairly quickly. We headed out of the gate on the north side of the enclave and swam around the headland to the beach not far from Steamwheedle Port, where we were to take Firebeard's head for the reward.

We returned to Gadgetzan and flew back to Ratchet for the boat to Booty Bay, and closed out the quest we'd taken care of there; from there we went to Ironforge to close out the quest that Theldurin had given us in the Badlands yesterday. Kate was disappointed with that one because it gave less than 1,000 XP, so she didn't want to take on the next quest in that chain but I've checked into that and it turns out the next quest would give us 5,600 points; we may end up taking it after all, but we'll see.

We spent a little time in Ironforge taking care of the usual business and then made our way back to Gadgetzan via Menethil and Theramore, and parked ourselves in the inn ready to continue questing next time. As far as I remember we still have at something like eight quests in the desert and another four in Zul'Farrak. We'll have at least one more level each before we're done in Tanaris, I think.

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