Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Almost done...

We're approaching the end of the quests we can do in Duskwood (hoorah!) and we should be able to move on soon. We managed to complete quite a bunch yesterday and got enough XP to finally push us over to new levels; in fact I finally got level 30 and along with it got my automatic Paladin warhorse (hoorah again!).

We'd started off doing the Worgen in the Woods quest chain, knocking over Nightbane Shadow Weavers, Dark Runners, Vile Fangs and Tainted Ones in the southeastern part of the region. We also had to get rid of Skeletal Raiders, Healers and Warders in Raven Hill cemetery. None of this was particularly hard thanks to Archeus, the unique sword that we both happen to have.

I don't remember exactly where I got level 30 but that was the signal to head back to Stormwind at the next opportunity to get Paladin training, and of course that's how I got the Summon Warhorse spell.

We had a quest that took us into the Cathedral of Light anyway, and while we were there Kate picked up another minor quest chain (one I'd started some time ago; so long ago, in fact, that I'd forgotten where it started). This one meant a certain amount of running around in Stormwind - to the Keep, then outside the gates, then back to the cheese shop - before sending us back to Darkshire to talk to one of the guards there. The next step (for both of us; this is as far as I'd gone with this chain) is to get the Defias Docket which is located somewhere in southwest Duskwood.

If I remember right this leaves us with no more than four current open quests around Duskwood. After that, where next? We're thinking the Wetlands and Arathi Highlands, but that's what we've done before; maybe this time we'll try Stranglethorn Vale instead.

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