Tuesday, October 07, 2008

More questing in Duskwood

First Aid

To get my (Human Paladin's) first-aid skill any higher I needed the medical books from Deneb Walker in Stromgarde Keep, but to get there I would have had to cross the Arathi Highlands and I wasn't sure that I could make it at level 29 without a mount. If I ran into a spider or raptor up to level 33 I could have probably handled it, but I really didn't want to spend any longer than necessary as we had other things to do.

Instead I decided this was a job for my Human Mage, since he's level 31 and has a horse. Also, he had two quests in the area - one to find a guy called Skuerto at Refuge Pointe, and another to talk to someone in Southshore in the Hillbrad Foothills to the west - so he could kill three birds with one stone.

It was a really quick trip: a ride east from Menethil to pick up the road north through Dun Modr and across Thandol Span into the Arathi Highlands and straight on to Refuge Pointe, talk to Skuerto and the flightmaster; then west along the road to Stromgarde Keep, locate Deneb Walker and buy the books; then west again through Thoradin's Wall into the Hillsbrad Foothills and south into Southshore, talk to the guy I needed to find there, then hit the flightmaster for a direct flight back to Ironforge and drop the books into the bank.

I took the Mage out of the picture and brought in the Paladin, and he picked up the books from the bank in Stormwind City. Thanks to the books and piles of wool and silk that Kate and I had hoarded just for this purpose, I got the first-aid skill up to 216; I can now make Mageweave bandages and I have a stock of Heavy Silk bandages to keep me going for a while.

While we were in Stormwind Kate got new axes and I picked up a new two-handed sword a lot more powerful than my old one, a snip at about twenty gold. Little did I know that I wouldn't be keeping it very long...

The Heart of the Embalmer

The first thing we wanted to take care of was to get the Embalmer's Heart from Eliza's grave a little way behind Abercrombie's shack near Raven Hill cemetery. This was pretty simple: we disturbed the grave and out popped Eliza, in a bad mood and not looking at all well. She also had a guard but even together they weren't that hard to take down and we grabbed the heart for return to Darkshire.


On the high ground north of Raven Hill cemetery, not far from the river, there's a weathered grave and when you examine it you get a quest to see Althea Ebonlocke, an Alliance guard in Darkshire. The grave is that of Morgan Ladimore, hero of the Alliance who was corrupted and became Mor'Ladim, the armoured skeleton that wanders the west side of the cemetery, and Ebonlocke sends you to kill him and bring back the skull.

Kate and I flew out to Sentinel Hill then crossed the river and grouped up to take down Mor'Ladim. Thanks to the new weapons we'd bought in Stormwind, plus the fact that we were at least a level higher than the last time we ran into him, I for one was a lot more confident about beating him this time.

We found him in the usual place and, making sure there weren't any other enemies nearby, we engaged him, me from the front and Kate from behind. Even with the new weapons he was tough - he was doing as much damage to me as we were to him and he shrugged off a Hammer of Justice stun that I threw at him hoping to slow him down. Things were getting very close to the wire and I had to put up Divine Protection to give me time to heal myself; as soon as I did that he started bashing Kate but since his attack up to that point had been mostly aimed at me she was in good shape and was able to finish him off.

We went to take the skull... and that's when we realized Kate hadn't got the quest in her log. Ah well. We found the grave up the hill so that Kate could get the starting quest and we made our way back to Darkshire; I handed over the skull and was instructed to see Ladimore's daughter nearby, who gave me a ring to place on her father's grave. Meanwhile Kate got the quest for Mor'Ladim and with those done it was back to knock him over again.

This time Kate whacked and I healed, and she got the skull. I placed the ring on Ladimore's grave and in return got Ladimore's sword Archeus, and what a sword it is - 23.9 damage per second with a chance of serious Arcane damage with every hit. I'll be keeping this for a while, I think.

One more quick return trip to Darkshire so that Kate could get the ring and come back to collect her own Archeus, and we were done.

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