Friday, October 17, 2008

Welcome to Theramore

Morbent Fel Down Go Boom

We started off by clearing up one last quest in Duskwood - to take down Morbent Fel. We both had the quest to do, so after arriving at the house on the hill at Forlorn Rowe we grouped up. To get Morbent Fel you have to use Morbent's Bane, a special wand, to dispel his protective enchantments; the bane is an off-hand weapon so we couldn't use it while wielding our two-handed swords, and we had to set things up so that we could switch weapons quickly.

Fel wasn't around when we arrived - someone must have been there just before us. When he reappeared it went pretty easy, although it would have been easier if we hadn't been hampered by another player who arrived after us but was obviously intent on tagging Fel first. It didn't work for him; we got the tag and took Fel out. We had to fight our way out past some ghouls that had appeared in and around the house, but once we were clear it was a quick run back to Sven Yorgen to close out.


We crossed the river to Sentinel Hill, flew to Menethil and took the boat to Theramore, and we spent the rest of the time whacking through a bunch of quests: in Theramore itself getting Thresher Oil for the lighthouse, exposing traitors, taking propaganda papers and distributing them after they'd been modified by an SI:7 agent, taking down the boss traitor in the boat moored offshore; then outside Theramore knocking down huge turtles, getting secret Defias orders, tracking down a missing diplomat, investigating the burned-down Shady Rest inn near the border with the Barrens, gathering frog legs, whacking ghosts, collecting herbs and summoning and dispatching Zelfrax (the level 36 demon that our Draenei characters had taken care of quite some time ago).

That was some serious questing and it was enough to get both of us to level 34 when we went back to Theramore to close out. Time was up so we headed back across the sea to Ironforge to take care of repairs and class training before leaving it for the night.

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