Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back to Ashenvale

We had five outstanding quests in Ashenvale and we decided to head back there and clear a couple of them, so we made our way out to Forest Song and from there headed south through the Warsong Lumber Camp. The first objective was a quest to knock out Gorgannon and Diathorus the Seeker in the area around Demon Fall Canyon near the southern border.

Diathorus was first - he was actually hidden away in a barrow den, the entrance to which is up the hill on Demon Fall Ridge. It took us a little while to find him - these barrow dens are mazes - but we did eventually and that was the end of that. He's a level 32, non-elite. We figured the trick for finding the way out of the barrow dens is to always head uphill (which in hindsight is obvious, really).

Next was Gorgannon - we'd run into him before so we knew where he was, at the other end of the canyon. He's also a level 32, non-elite, and went down easy.

The next quest was to take out three insane druids in the Dor'Danil barrow den to the west. This was a little trickier; we found two of the druids (Taneel Darkwood and Uthil Mooncall) easily enough but the third, Mavoris Cloudsbreak, eluded us for so long that the other two had time to respawn and we had to put them down again (they're not tough, though). We got there in the end, though, and found our way out.

The next quest meant heading to the Bloodtooth camp further west again, so we headed that way.

Now, a little digression: we have a quest on our list that means going to Thousand Needles, south of The Barrens, and the obvious way there from Ashenvale means going through The Barrens itself. The problem: the gates into The Barrens are guarded by level ?? Horde sentries. I've been trying without success to find a back way through, and in fact the other day I came up with an alternative when I realized that you can take a boat from Menethil Harbour to Theramore in the Dustwallow Marshes just north of Thousand Needles and east of The Barrens; I was thinking we could get directly into Thousand Needles without having to go into The Barrens at all.

Anyway, on our way to the Bloodtooth Camp we crossed the road that leads down into The Barrens and Kate went down toward the gates. I wasn't going to go but I'm glad I did because this time I noticed something I'd missed before - a gap in the hills just east of the gates. We followed it around and, lo and behold, found a fence with a smoking gap in it. We went through, and we were in The Barrens. Problem solved.

Moving on to the Bloodtooth Camp I used Dartol's Rod to transform into a furbolg, thinking that was the way to get to the boss furbolg Ran Bloodtooth. It wasn't, and we had to pretty much wipe out the camp to get away. It turned out that the furbolg we were looking for was Krolg, who lives on the south side of Mystral Lake. We found him, transformed, and talked to him; he wanted us to go back and wipe out Ran Bloodtooth and four of his guards. We did, and went back to Krolg. The next step was to go back to Astranaar with the news, and Ran Bloodtooth's skull, so we swam across Mystral Lake and headed north to the road, then west to Astranaar.

At this point I needed about 14,000 XP to get my next level and I thought that with three quests completed we'd probably get about half that. We were pleasantly surprised; we closed out Krolg's quest in Astranaar then flew out to Forest Song to cash in the other two - and Kate got her level 34 with the XP we got, and I was just forty-eight points short. I went up the rise toward Satyrnaar and found a spider to squish, and that got me level 33.

Not only that but all three quests were the last in their respective chains, so all in all it made for a very successful trip: we both got new levels, we're down to two quests remaining in Ashenvale, and we found the back door into The Barrens.

On our next trip out that way we should be able to finish the two remaining quests, and then we can think about making our way to Thousand Needles.

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