Monday, August 18, 2008

One More Quest


We didn't have a lot of time but we were able to take care of one more quest in Ashenvale; this one meant heading out to Xavian and whacking satyrs to collect their horns for Illiyanna - it seems that Illiyana has a vengeful streak because of what the Xavian satyrs did to Anilia.

We had to collect sixteen horns each, and it took quite a while because maybe one satyr in three would drop a horn. Between us Kate and I probably knocked down something like a hundred satyrs to fill the quota. Along the way I got about a quarter of the way to level 34.

Back at Forest Song we closed out the quest, which also closed out the chain leaving just one more quest or chain remaining in Ashenvale. I'd picked up three or four greens that could go for auction, so I headed back to Ironforge to take care of that and also to buy a handful of mana potions to replenish the stock I carry. Next trip we should be able to finish that last remaining quest and then we can move on.

Action Bar Action

When I reached level 32 I got a new spell or two, as happens with most level-ups. I now have quite a repertoire of auras, seals and blessings to use, as well as protection and healing spells that are all useful in a fight.

The problem was that I no longer had enough slots on the main action bar to hold all the actions I find myself using. As a result I had to move one or two rather useful things to action bar 2, including the button that I use for drinking a mana potion in a fight. As a result I now have to scroll or key to bar 2, hit the button I need, then switch back in a hurry - and in a fight, that's inconvenient and more than a couple of times ended up with a wipe for me, Kate or both of us because I fumbled the moves.

What's happened is that I'll be watching Kate and keeping her health up from a distance, and I'll fire off Holy Light; that increases my threat and a nearby mob will attack me from behind. While I'm dealing with that, Kate's still fighting and her health is suffering; then I'll get my attacker off my back and try to help Kate, but my mana is too low (Holy Light takes quite a bit). So I try to switch to bar 2 so I can grab mana and switch back, and by the time I've got it sorted out it's too late.

What I needed was a way to put more actions up on screen so that I don't have to switch bars, and I'd seen screenshots showing layouts that allowed that and assumed that it was managed by an AddOn. So I spent two or three hours over a couple of days trying to find an AddOn that does this, without any luck.

It turns out you don't need an AddOn for this; the interface options allow you to 'move' action bars up so that they're permanently available on screen. Once I found that out I enabled the lower-left and lower-right bars and now my problem is solved. Doing this means losing bars 5 and 6 from the scrollable list, but that's not really a loss; in fact I currently have my trade skills on bar 4 and I'm seriously considering moving those on-screen by enabling the right-side bar - that way I'd never need to worry about scrolling the bars at all.

The dumb thing is that I read about being able to enable these bars weeks ago, and there's even a mention of it on one of the tips that comes up when you enter the game - I could kick myself for not remembering. I'm going to make a point of checking out all the available option settings to familiarise myself with them properly.

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