Saturday, August 23, 2008

Slow Progress

Kate's been pretty sick for a few days so apart from doing a few things with the auction house we haven't been up to much. Yesterday was the first time we've done actual playing since the last post.

We went to Darnassus to find Thyn'tel Bladeweaver for the next step in the quest from Ashenvale. She gave us the key to Velinde Starsong's locker, which is in another part of Darnassus; we got the journal from the locker and went back to Thyn'tel.

The next step in the chain means finding Ratchet, a port on the coast of The Barrens, so we now have another reason to make our way in that direction.

Kate didn't feel much like questing so instead we went back to Refuge Pointe and whacked raptors and spiders around Arathi until we got new levels; Kate's now 35, I'm 34. The plan next was to head out to the part of Arathi where we'd found all the mithril outcrops before, but as we were on our way there we decided to make a detour to the southeastern part of Arathi to look for the gold veins that are supposed to be there. We found a bunch of Ogres and then further east was Witherbark Village (but no gold - there were other players around and I suspect they mined it all out before we got there). There are quite a lot of bad guys here, and we were able to get quite a lot of XP and also a fair amount of cash - most of them dropped at least a silver piece each.

We still have to find an area called Drywhisker Gorge for a quest that we'd picked up a few days ago; I suspect that our next foray will take us that way. The way I understand it, we'll find the gorge east of Hammerfall, north of where we were around Witherbark Village.

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