Friday, November 21, 2008

Exploring All Over

We ran a bit of a marathon the other night to finish mapping a number of zones, starting out in Westfall then going east to Duskwood and down into Stranglethorn Vale. In the Vale we closed out a couple of quests while we finished up the map, then went to Thelsamar to finish mapping Loch Modan. After that we rode north into the Wetlands and took care of three areas at the eastern end to complete Kate's map. Finally we went back to Ironforge and ran out into Dun Morogh, since neither of us had mapped much of the eastern and southern regions.

After that we flew out to Darkshire and ran through Deadwind Pass into the Swamp of Sorrows. Mapping the area took longer than we'd hoped, for a couple of reasons: first, the place is a herbalist's dream - there's stuff everywhere. Kate needed herbs too much to pass any of it by, so we made our way along the northern edge then south down the coast, stopping to pick herbs wherever Kate found them. On the coast we were able to fish for Mahi-Mahi - another fish needed for Nat Pagle's fishing quest - before heading west along the southern edge of the swamp. We ran into trouble here, because there's a horde outpost right there and I got just a bit too close - I hadn't known that there are high-level guards camped outside the compound fence, and they saw me before I'd realized they were there.

All the same Kate was able to collect quite a pile of herbs and we both finished our maps of the zone before heading south into the Blasted Lands. Nethergarde Keep is just to the east of the road passing into the Lands; we went in and opened up the flightpath.

That was a lot of regions completed along with a quest or two, and along the way we'd both hit level 47. I'd originally thought we'd stay in Nethergarde for the night but as far as we were able to tell, there's no inn. Instead, we settled in Darkshire since it's pretty close.

Yesterday we returned to Nethergarde and rode back up into the Swamp of Sorrows - Kate needs money, lots of money, and we figured the best way to make a pile quickly would be to go herbing again and auction what she picked. In the meantime I scouted the edges of the swamp looking for minerals to mine. The night before I thought I'd seen quite a few deposits and veins around, but this time I wasn't so lucky - I suspected another player must have mined the area out just before I got there and I was only able to find a couple of Iron Deposits and a Mithril Vein or two.

Ultimately, in the northeastern part of the swamp, we decided it was time to call it a night; rather than ride all the way back to Nethergarde we decided to short-cut things by hearthstoning. Our hearthstones are set for Gadgetzan, though, so we finished a long way from where we started. All the same, when we start out next time we'll be able to finish mapping Tanaris and we have quests that we can complete along the way; we're even considering having another go at getting into Zul'Farrak, but we'll see how that goes.

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