Wednesday, November 05, 2008


The last big burst of real activity we had was a few days ago and involved running out to the pirate enclave on the coast and taking care of five quests in one hit - taking down Andre Firebeard, knocking down various numbers of various kinds of pirate, grabbing a stash of booze, and so on. The XP from all that was enough to push us both to level 43.

Since then we haven't done much; Kate's been sick and I've been tired out at work, so really all we've done is one quick foray west of Gadgetzan to use a dowsing widget to collect a water sample.

The last couple of days all I've really done is spent a few minutes checking the auction house for Mithril Spurs; one of those five quests gave a really nice pair of plate boots but neither of us want to use them until we have the spurs to give us the extra speed boost. The problem is that at the moment the only spurs for sale have been way overpriced - market price is something like four gold, but the cheapest I've seen have been around twice that, and I'm not about to give someone the satisfaction by paying that much. I've placed a limit on how much I'll pay: six gold, no more.

We have a fair pile of outstanding quests all over the world - a couple in Alterac, one in Arathi, a couple in Desolace, one in the Swamp of Sorrows, one or two in Dustwallow, and others. What I'd like to do is get out to these places and knock these quests down; if we can hit level 45 in the process we'll be better prepared for taking on the remaining quests in Tanaris, which are all quite high level. I'll put it to Kate and see what she wants to do.

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