Thursday, November 06, 2008


We decided to have a go at getting into Zul'Farrak; we have something like four quests in there, of which a couple are low-level enough that we thought we could handle them. It wasn't to be - right inside the entrance are half a dozen or more high-level elite guys, and they stand around in groups of three so it's not possible to take them on one at a time. I tried to keep Kate alive but they just did too much damage, and in any case firing off Holy Light spells increased my threat so that I became a target too. We died.

There's no point going in there again until we get a few more levels, so we headed south to whack what we could in the area. We found ourselves in the Noxious Lair and we both hit level 44. The bugs in the Lair are pretty tough - levels 48-50 - but being careful we were able to take them on individually and didn't do too bad.

On the west side of the Lair the rocks rise up, forming a wall. I climbed up there mostly so that I could get a good view of the Lair but it turned out that just the other side is the Un'Goro Crater. It's a long drop but I can 'bubble' us so that it's possible to jump without harm. Unfortunately Kate slipped and fell all the way down before I realized what was happening.

The crater has some really tough critters around, very reminiscent of dinosaurs, so we had to be careful and in a couple of places we almost got into serious trouble. We headed north, following the crater rim anticlockwise. On the north rim we found an outpost with, thank goodness, a flightmaster. Since we'd hit level 44 I wanted to get my training so we flew out and made our way to Ironforge. I now have the Hammer of Wrath spell - very useful.

Next trip we'll probably go back to Un'Goro - Kate wants to get herbs and provided we're careful I think we can pick up quite a bit of XP there. It'd be good if we can hit level 45.

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