Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Still 46

We've been moving around quite a bit, trying to get some quests done. As part of one quest we found ourselves in Alterac and while we were there we made a point of exploring every corner, since there are a whole bunch of achievements we can get by doing that for each zone. As part of my exploration we ran across a new flight point in the Western Plaguelands - a nasty area that we'll probably need at least another five or six levels before we're ready for.

However for all the exploring, mining and herb-gathering we've done, we're still at level 46 and quite some way from 47, so for the near future I want to make a point of completing a bunch of the quests clogging our logs; that's going to mean a fair amount of travel because they're spread out over the whole planet. I'm going to see where Kate thinks she might want to start, so I have no idea where we'll be going next until she suggests somewhere. I do know that we have high-level quests remaining in Tanaris, so we may start there, but we've also left a bunch of open quests in Stranglethorn Vale.

Also I know that Kate really wants to push those exploration achievements, and there are a number of zones in which we have only one or two areas missing; for example, in Duskwood the Twilight Vale is the only remaining area that we haven't explored (with our Human Paladin and Warrior, anyway - we took our Draenei characters in there once, a long time ago, and high-tailed it out when we saw a level ?? dragon ahead of us).

We've had a few nasty shocks up in the areas north of Alterac - the Western and Eastern Plaguelands and Tirisfal Glades. At first sight the areas don't seem so bad but we ran into some very tough customers in the Western Plaguelands (hence my comment about not being ready for these yet) and at one point I was wandering around a town called Brill which appeared to be populated mostly by level 23 undead - and then I was attacked from behind by a level ?? guard. By the time I'd realized what was attacking me it was too late.

Anyway, as I said I'm not sure where we'll be heading next but I hope by this time tomorrow to be able to report that we've hit at least level 47...

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