Friday, November 14, 2008

The Number 46

We spent some more time around the Un'Goro Crater but to be honest it was just a bit too high level for us, at least at that time. With only high-level quests in Tanaris, and our quest logs full of quests gradually fading into greyness, we decided to go on a bit of a world tour to clear some of those old quests while they were still worth doing.

After a whirlwind trip starting at the Arathi Highlands and taking us down to the rebel camp in Stranglethorn Vale and on to Booty Bay - which cleared three or four quests all told - we made our way to Desolace. Because of a Paladin-only quest that had taken me out to the Blackfathom Deeps I'd already opened up the flightpath to Astranaar, but Kate didn't have that so we had to hoof it from Auberdine. We rode out to Astranaar and while we were at it we continued west and took the back road through Night Run and Xavian to Forest Song so that Kate could open up that flightpath. And since it was so close, we ran the short distance east and across the bridge into Azshara to open the flightpath to Talrendis Point. From there we flew back to Astranaar and headed south into the Stonetalon Mountains.

I already had the flightpath at Stonetalon Peak opened, for a very strange reason; a few days before, I'd been on the boat out of Auberdine to Azuremyst so that I could see the jewelcrafting trainer in the Exodar, and the boat had vanished out from under me leaving me suspended in midair, then I was disconnected. When I reconnected I thought I'd either drop into the water or reappear on the boat, but neither happened - instead I materialized several hundred feet above a graveyard near the Webwinder Path, and from there had to ride up to Stonetalon Peak so that I could fly back to Auberdine where I'd started. Very strange.

Kate and I rode up to the Peak so that Kate could get the flightpath, then we went back south to find the road into Desolace - and the name's appropriate because the place is truly desolate, with murky looking pools and virtually no vegetation of any kind. It's pretty horrible.

Once there we were able to find Nijel's Point, where there's an inn and another flightmaster; two people we needed to see for quests were there, so we were able to close those out.

And that's where we are for the time being. There are caves to the southwest, including an instance, and we have a number of high level quests in and around that area. Thanks to the level 44-45 elites in the instance we pushed to level 46 the same night that Wrath of the Lich King was released (and yes, I was at the Wal*Mart a mile from the house at 12:30am buying two copies).

Ah, level 46: this is the highest level I've taken any of my characters. My Draenei Paladin is level 45 and until this point was the strongest I had, but I'm planning on sticking with my Human Paladin for the foreseeable future and all the way up to Level 80.

For now, we still have pretty full quest logs and we have more of the world to visit to try to clear more of those, but for the moment we have enough to do in Desolace, so I think that's where we'll be staying for a little while.

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