Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Scarlet Monastery

With the thanksgiving holiday and other things going on, we had a stretch of four or five days where we had no time for anything except auction house scans.

When we were able to get back into things we decided on a plan to take care of a bunch of 'grey' quests; we could have simply abandoned them but many of these old quests still give decent reputation points even if the XP is negligible. Accordingly, we went back to the tower inside Stromgarde Keep in the Arathi Highlands to take care of one quest then west across the sea to Desolace for another; while we were there we had Nat Pagle's fishing quest to deal with (we'd already caught two of the fish we needed and just needed the ones from Desolace and Feralas) so we went out to the west coast of Desolace and then from there went south into Feralas. Once we'd taken care of the fishing quest we took a boat from there out to the Night Elf settlement, giving us another flightpath.

That left just one remaining grey quest - we have to go into the Badlands for that, and with no other reason to head that way just yet we've decided to wait until we're ready. Instead we flew to Southshore and went west into Silverpine Forest so that we could both finish mapping that area, then north into Tirisfal Glades where we had a level 40 quest to take care of in the Scarlet Monastery in the far northeast.

It took two trips. The Scarlet Monastery actually contains three instances, all filled with level 34-39 elites, and the quest involved knocking over four level 40 elite bad guys spread around those instances. The first one wasn't too hard to find, being right there in the first and most obvious instance. What's not so obvious is that the other instances are hidden behind two doors that are locked and require the Scarlet Key - and the key is in a trunk in the first instance. We wasted quite a lot of time looking all around the monastery and the first instance, sure that the guys we were looking for were there somewhere.

Once we realized that the other instances were hidden away we unlocked the door to the Cathedral and went through, and it didn't take long to find the second bad guy we were after. After clearing a way through to the altar, where the bad guy was, we went for him. This was my idea and a bad mistake... all the other guys in the Cathedral ran in to help out, and that was that. By that time it was late so we went back to resurrect and went back to Ironforge for the night.

The next day (yesterday) we went back to finish up, now that we knew what to do. Back in the Cathedral we took on all the guys in the aisles and the side rooms, leaving just our number two target baddie, then went after him. He wasn't too hard to handle but as soon as he was down, target baddie number three showed up and resurrected him - so now we had both of them to deal with. It was a bit of a fight but as level 49s we outclassed the two level 40 elites and it was soon all over.

That just left target baddie number four, in the Armoury in the last instance. This took a lot of time because we had to fight our way all the way from the entrance to the circular room at the back where our man was, but once we'd got to him it was all over quickly. One big shock at that point was that a whole bunch of level 30 trainees ran into the room; I thought we were dead but they were relatively weak and Kate managed to knock most of them down with one of her blast effect spells.

With all four bad guys gone we hearthstoned out to Southshore - we'd reset our stones to the inn there on the way up - and closed out the quest before flying back to Ironforge.

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