Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Level 50!

We took a trip out to the Hinterlands for a quest that involved grabbing an Ancient Egg from a cave in the far southeast of the region. We hadn't mapped anything of the Hinterlands beyond a fair sized chunk at the western end near Aerie Peak, so we decided to take the opportunity to explore the whole region and fill the map in.

As such it took us quite a while to reach the cave where the egg was, all the way whacking owlkins and wolves, but most of the time we were fighting our way along the road that wound and zig-zagged through a city-like structure surrounding the cave entrance - this whole area was filled with level 47-49 baddies with level 50 and 51 mobs appearing as we got close to the cave itself.

Inside the cave things weren't so bad; some caves we've been in are complicated enough to get lost in, but this one was relatively simply laid out so we were able to find the Ancient Egg we were after and get out again with very little trouble.

With that done we headed north to finish mapping the bits we hadn't already covered, knocking over more owlkins and wolves as we went along. We'd entered the Hinterlands with perhaps three-quarters of the XP bar to fill and I didn't think we had much of a chance of getting the next level, but we'd knocked down a pretty huge number of owlkins, wolves and bad guys and as Kate filled in the very last missing section of the map, getting the achievement in the process, the XP was enough to tip her over to level 50. I was just a little way behind and all I had to do was take down four or five level 41 wolves to hit 50 myself.

It was getting late but with the new level there were some things we just had to take care of - we went from Aerie Peak to Steamwheedle Port by way of Menethil Harbour and Theramore so that we could hand over the Ancient Egg for 8500 XP, then hearthstoned back to Ironforge to deal with our overstuffed packs, and last but definitely not least we went to our respective class trainers - I picked up a new spell (Holy Wrath, I think it's called) that'll do something like 500 Holy damage to any bad guys within ten yards, which should be very useful.

All in all, a very productive trip even though we actually only took care of one quest. For our next trip I think we'll be returning to Zul'Farrak to complete the two quests left over from our last trip there, and if there's time we have two quests in the Un'Goro Crater to deal with; maybe we'll explore that whole zone while we're there. We might even make level 51 in the process.

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